Joining is easy, quick and secure. Simply print and complete the application or call with your credit card handy. Click here.
Mail your completed application with preferred method of payment to:
Winewomen psp P.O. Box 12126 Palm Desert, CA 92255
- Annual subscription is $100 for new members or $175 to join for two years.
- Prior Winewomen members whose subscriptions have lapsed may renew for only $75 yearly. We accept payment by checks issued by U.S. banks made payable to "Winewomen psp."
- We also accept U.S. bank-issued money orders or payment by credit cards Visa, MasterCard or American Express.
- Subscribers who pay by credit card must provide a valid credit card issued in the name of the applicant who must affirm a minimum age of 21 years.
- Please provide the full credit card number, the complete billing address and zip code of the card being used, a valid signature and the CVV code of the card. Find the three-digit CVV code for Visa and MC on the BACK of the card by the signature line. The CVV code is the farthest right last group of three numbers.
- For American Express, find the four-digit CVV code in small numbers at the TOP RIGHT of the card, above the raised credit card identification numbers.